Newspaper designer Jacek Utko suggests that it's time for a fresh, top-to-bottom rethink of the newspaper.(At this point, why not try it?) In his work, he's proved that good design can help readers reconnect with newspapers. A former architect, Utko took on the job of redesigning several newspapers in former Soviet Bloc nations, starting from basic principles.

The TED Blog interviewed Jacek Utko over the phone yesterday to get a deeper look into his approach to newspaper design and his thoughts on the future of news media. Here's a snippet:

Many people think newspapers have to survive because they have missions for society, for democracy. Most of them say that newspapers should stay because, if newspapers die, nothing will replace them. But that's not actually true. It's already slowly being replaced by the Internet. Blogs, for example, are an opinion-making medium. They'll probably become more powerful than the newspapers were.
click on the title to see furthur Q/A.


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